Statement of faith

Justification By Faith

  1. We believe salvation is only in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. We believe Christ Jesus died for our sins, and was raised back to life on the third day.
  3. We believe Christ Jesus ascended to be enthroned to heaven after His resurrection.
  4. We believe in the redemptive Power of the Precious blood of Christ Jesus, the Lamb of GOD.

The Holy Bible

  1. We believe the Holy Bible is the Word of GOD delivered to us all as our primary source of authority and standard for living
  2. We believe our identity in Christ is embedded in the content and integrity of GOD’S word.

Being Like Christ

  1. We believe Christianity is not a religion; rather, it is GOD’S prescribed lifestyle for mankind.
  2. We believe that the journey of our faith commences at the cross and finalizes at the fullness of Christ.
  3. We believe that our high Calling is to be Conformed to Christ’s image.


  1. We believe that by identifying with the death and resurrection of Christ, we are therefore baptized into the body of Christ.
  2. We believe in water baptism being the outward expression of our internal experience.
  3. We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a significant means to our spiritual empowerment.


  1. We believe in the Godhead: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Gifts of The Spirit and Ministry Gifts

  1. We believe the gifts of the Spirit remain authentic and crucial for the empowerment of the body of Christ to fulfill GOD’s purposes in the earth.
  2.  We believe that the five-fold ministry gifts remain relevant in heaven’s scheme for the church.

The called Out Ones (Ekklesia)

  1. We believe the Church (Ekklesia) is not a physical facility; instead, the called out ones and heaven’s contact-point for divine intervention in the earth.
  2. We believe GOD’s children are called to be consecrated and set apart to become GOD’s habitation in the earth.
  3.  We believe the body of Christ consists of believers in Christ from difference race, culture and language.

God's Kingdom and The Inheritance

  1. We believe it is GOD’s will for His children to grow and mature in spirit.
  2. We believe heaven is gifted to every child of GOD, while, the kingdom is rewarded us based on our growth and maturity in the Spirit.
  3. We believe it is GOD’s plan for His children to enter into His rest and inherit the kingdom.
  4. We believe Christ our Saviour, LORD and King is coming back for a glorious Church without spots and wrinkles.

God's Kingdom and The Inheritance

  1. We believe it is GOD’s will for His children to grow and mature in spirit.
  2. We believe heaven is gifted to every child of GOD, while, the kingdom is rewarded us based on our growth and maturity in the Spirit.
  3. We believe it is GOD’s plan for His children to enter into His rest and inherit the kingdom.
  4. We believe Christ our Saviour, LORD and King is coming back for a glorious Church without spots and wrinkles.
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